Tree SPS 35 Small Postal Scale

Tree SPS 35 Small Postal Scale

SPS35 is manufactured by Tree and features a Capacity/Resolution of 0-2lb x 0.1oz ; 2-35lb x 0.2oz. The display is LCD with Backlight. The weighing platform is ample with 7" x 8.5". The scale features Beeper and weigh hold capability. AC Adapter included or use AA dry cells. Weighing units available include kg, lb, g, oz, lb:oz. Great scale to have around the office. Free shipping, continental US.
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Tree SPS35 features 0-2lb x 0.1oz / 2-35lb x 0.2oz capacity. All those numbers crammed together can be a little confusing. Basically the scale features dual range capacity x readability. For items that you place on the scale that weigh between zero and two pounds, the scale will increment up or down in one tenth of an ounce graduations. For items above two pounds, the scale will increment up or down in two tenths of an ounce graduations.

The LCD display includes backlight. The weighing platform is 7" x 8.5" which is pretty nice for most weighing requirements that you're going to see in an office setting. The scale features beeper and weigh hold capability if needed.

One nice feature is that the scale includes the AC Adapter. Many competing products like to leave that out and then charge you an extra $20 more. Not this time. The SPS35 includes the AC adapter and you can also use AA battery power if you wish.

Scale displays weight in the following units; kg, lb, g, oz, lb:oz. This is a great scale to have around the office for mailing letters or packages, especially if you're an ebay seller for example. Also, if you've got kids, this can come in handy for weighing everything that they usually come up with such as weighing rocks, Awana or Boy Scout Grand Prix cars etc....

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