Detecto T200 Industrial 200 lb.Topload Dial Scale

Detecto T200 Industrial 200 lb.Topload Dial Scale

T200 is a rugged, heavy duty mechanical dial scale. Ideal for low to medium volume in shipping and receiving areas or in warehouse and production applications. Great low cost addition to shipping dept. 200 lb max capacity with platform sizes of 15x15". Ground shipping included for cont'l US
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Detecto T200 Top Loading Dial Scale, 15" x 15", 200 LB Capacity

Detecto T series top-loading dial scales come in a large variety of capacities to choose from for your exact portioning needs. The T200 features a platform size of 15" x 15". Easy-to-read 10.5-inch dial allow for quick display of weight.  An easy-to-clean baked enamel finish, sturdy construction, stability, and convenient viewing angle make these attractive top loaders an ideal choice for your weighing needs. 


T200            Top Loading Fixed Dial Scale, 15" x 15", 200 LB x 8 oz Capacity

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