Rice Lake TP-220 Series Tuning Fork Compact Balance
TP Balances Standard Features
• Large 16.5 mm high Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
• Selectable modes-weight, unit count and percentage
• 12 units of measurement
• Mono-Metal Tuning Fork Sensor (MMTS)-provides quick response and stability
• 20-step bar graph display
• 115 VAC adaptor included
• One part in 620,000 resolution
• RS-232 bidirectional
• Only TP-220 features DraftShield
Optional Features
• Rechargeable battery
Part # .......... MODEL # ................ Capacity ................. Resolution ................ Cal Mass
107244.......... TP-220 * ................. 220 g........................ 0.001 g........................200 g
107245.......... TP-820..................... 820 g........................ 0.01 g..........................800 g
107246.......... TP-3200................... 3200 g...................... 0.01 g.........................3000 g
107247.......... TP-8200................... 8200 g...................... 0.1 g...........................8000 g
107248.......... TP-12k..................... 12,000 g................... 0.1 g........................ 12,000 g
* Draftshield
107249.......... Rechargeable battery - TP-220, TP-820
107237.......... Rechargeable battery - TP-3200, TP-8200, TP-12 k