Category Archives: Counting Scale

What is a Check Counting Scale?

You’ve probably heard of parts counting. And, you’ve likely heard of a checkweigher scale, right?  But what exactly does a check counting scale do? Check counting is a lesser known but extremely useful function on weighing scales and balances. What is it, how does it work and how can it be used? Let’s discuss. What… Read More »

More Accurate Kits & Packages

In industries where precision is crucial, whether you’re counting small components like nuts and bolts or handling costly, life critical parts like medical devices, accuracy is everything! This is where a high-resolution Pennsylvania Scale counting scale becomes an essential tool. While it may seem tempting to cut costs with a cheap low cost (& lower… Read More »

What Companies Utilize Weighing Scales?

You can probably add this to your long list of questions you’ve never asked… What industries out there in the real world need scales?  Well I’m glad you finally asked that question!  The answer is almost all of them. Retail and industrial scales are actually used in a wide range of industries. You see retail… Read More »

Adam Equipment Discontinued Scales & Balances – and the Recommended Replacement Models…

Electronic weighing scales and laboratory balances come and go… They are great products and they are useful for a few years and then they are replaced with something better (usually).  Either way, these scales are replaced at some point in time. Sometimes better technology comes around. Other times replacement occurs because certain parts like chips… Read More »