More Accurate Kits & Packages

By | December 17, 2024

In industries where precision is crucial, whether you’re counting small components like nuts and bolts or handling costly, life critical parts like medical devices, accuracy is everything! This is where a high-resolution Pennsylvania Scale counting scale becomes an essential tool.

While it may seem tempting to cut costs with a cheap low cost (& lower performance) scale, the investment in a high-resolution system pays off in ways that directly impact your bottom line. Inaccurate counts can lead to customer dissatisfaction and quality control issues, but even more importantly, they can result in costly overfills. Many businesses compensate for potential undercounts by overfilling orders which is essentially giving away product for free.

Consider this real-world positive ROI scenario:

An aerospace hardware manufacturer packages 1,000 pieces per order, each costing $0.25. However, due to inaccuracies in their lower-performance scale, each package contains 1,002 pieces instead. Over an 8-hour shift, where 16 packages are produced, this manufacturer is unknowingly giving away 32 extra pieces, or $8 worth of product, per shift. Over the course of a 5-day workweek, this adds up to $40, and by the end of the year, the cost of these overfills amounts to $1,920. All from just two extra fasteners per pack!

pennsylvania 7500 counting scale

Now imagine the savings if those 32 extra pieces could be eliminated. Pennsylvania Scale’s high-resolution counting scales ensure accurate counts every time, reducing costly overfills and improving your overall efficiency.

These scales are built to last, made right here in the USA, and are the result of decades of expertise, dating back to our early mechanical designs from the 1940s. Whether you need a rugged, reliable solution for your industrial needs or our cutting-edge 7800 touchscreen model, Pennsylvania Scale has the perfect scale for your application.

Don’t leave your profitability to chance. Be sure to choose precision with Pennsylvania Scale’s high-resolution counting systems and start protecting your bottom line today.