Unique Places Where You See a Load Cell in Action

By | September 17, 2024

I’ve watched auto racing for decades and decades. I enjoy the competition, the sounds, and the action especially at the race track. One item that I’ve always heard about but never really seen is the 7-post shaker. Have you ever heard of it?  Many folks have not heard of this item before.  Take a look at the video below to learn about it and they even mention the strain gauge load cell that is part of the unit.  


In fact, I remember a racer contacting us several years ago looking for a certain s-beam load cell.  I think he was looking to find a replacement cell for one of these shakers that you see in the video.  

This is just another example of how some of our weighing equipment is utilized in motorsports. Of course many race teams weigh their race cars by using (4) wheel pads supplied by either Longacre or Intercomp and figure out their weight percentages. In some forms of racing, teams will use items called load sticks which are basically, s-beam load cells with a digital weight readout, which can help with spring rates.  And, of course many short track teams own spring smasher type machines which basically use either a s-beam load cell or a shear beam load cell and compresses, measures load and unloads a spring.

load cells kit

The point of this Unique Places Where You See a Load Cell in Action entry to to simply bring this to your attention. Maybe you knew about the race car scales but you had no idea about the spring smashing or the 7-post?  I just thought it was an interesting subject to discuss. We have supplied scale components to some of the manufacturers of these items in the past by the way. If you’re interested in our weighing equipment, please browse our website when you can.