
Legal for Trade NTEP Certified Scales

Our digital scales in this section have been NTEP Certified as "Legal For Trade" by the National Conference on Weights and Measures. These legal for trade scales are steady and accurate weighing instruments ideal for weighing products sold commercially. These accurate and reliable weighing devices are NTEP Approved scales. Our NTEP scales are rugged, dependable and ideal for buying and selling based on weight.


  • 48x48 Floor Scale with Digital Readout Capacity 5000 lbs
    4'x4' Pennsylvania Platform Floor Scale 5000 lb.This versatile fully electronic 48"x48" mild steel painted Pennsylvania 6600 floor scale is a great choice for any warehouse. Comes with a Pennsylvania 7600+ digital indicator for a Complete Scale System factory calibrated -- ready to use immediately when you receive the scale. NTEP, Capacity: 5000 pounds, best of all this price includes the Freight in cont'l US business addresses only (Zoned Commercial) with a loading dock or forklift.
  • AHS-30 NTEP Digital Hanging Scale 30 lbAHS-30 NTEP economical digital hanging scale with 30 lb capacity for people on a tight budget. NTEP Approved Legal For Trade & Measurement Canada, Simple Digital Functionality, Battery Operated, Lightweight, Easy to Use, Hold Function
  • Brecknell 3900LP Industrial Bench Scale 250 lb.Brecknell 3900LP bench scale is NTEP approved with a pole mounted ABS housed Brecknell SBI 110 Indicator. It has a large 2" x 6.5" LCD display with five 1.6" high digits and blue back lit display. Carbon steel fabricated frame with food grade 304 stainless steel top pan. Functions include general weighing & check weighing. Built-in, rechargeable lead acid battery. 250 x 0.05 lb
  • Brecknell 3900LP Industrial Bench Scale 600 lbBrecknell 3900LP NTEP bench base scale with a pole mounted indicator. ABS housed Brecknell SBI 110 Indicator included with a large 2" x 6.5" LCD display with five 1.6" digits and blue back lit display. Carbon steel fabricated frame with stainless steel top pan. Functions include general weighing, check weighing, and check counting with audio under, accept and over buzzer. Rechargeable battery. 600 x 0.2 lb
  • Brecknell PC3060 Price Computing Scale with Carry CaseBrecknell PC3060 Price Computing Scale is NTEP approved at 3000d Class III. By combining two capacities into one scale, it provides you with a wider weighing range. The 15/30 kg and 30/60 lb capacities allow you to weigh smaller and larger products on the same scale without losing resolution. Hard Shell Carry Case Included for Transport and Storage.
  • CAS AP-1 Price Computing Scale Tower Display
    CAS AP-1 Price Computing Scale w/ Tower 60 lb.Take the guess work out of pricing with the CAS AP-1 series NTEP legal for trade price computing scales. The CAS AP-1 comes fully equipped with a stainless steel platter, tower display with front and rear vacuum florescent displays (VFD), 28 "hot shot" keys for quick look up, zero and tare display designators and flush mount keypad. Dual Range Capacity 0-30 x .01 lbs / 30-60 x.02 lbs
  • CAS BW-150 NTEP Legal Buying Selling Digital Scale 300 pounds
    CAS BW-150 NTEP Bench Platform Scale 300 lb.CAS BW-150 is a NTEP legal for trade digital scale with 300 x 0.1 lb capacity and 15.7" x 20.7" platform. The scale has a check weigh function LOW / OK / HIGH. Operates on AC adapter included or 6 C batteries not included.
  • CAS Hercules 4 x 4 Floor Scales 5000 lb.
    CAS HFS-405 Hercules 4' x 4' Floor Scales 5000 lb.These industrial floor scales from CAS are rugged, tough and affordable. When you combine a full steel frame with high quality load cells you get a HFS floor scale that was made to take a beating. Great for shipping or warehouse use. NTEP Approved Hercules HFS 48x48" floor scale features a capacity of 5000 x 1 lbs. Freight included anywhere in the Cont'l US to business addresses only (Zoned Commercial) with a loading dock or fork-lift. All other charges are the buyers responsibility. (Liftgate, Residential, Construction, Military)
  • LP-1000N printing scale Legal for Trade
    CAS LP-1000N Label Printing Computing ScaleThe CAS LP-1000N Thermal Label Printing Scale was designed specifically for the food service environment where you need to pre-pack and price items. The CAS LP1000 is perfect for your deli or grocery. You can pre-program your items, prices, and ingredients into the scale, thus reducing errors and giving the consumer the information they require. CAPACITY: 30 x .01 lbs NTEP Approved.
  • NTEP Legal for Trade CAS CPS-2N - 5K NTEP Model C Pallet Jack Scale 5000 lb.
    CAS NTEP Pallet Jack Scale 5000 lb.Pallet truck scales maximize efficiency by eliminating wasted time and floor space. This portable NTEP Legal for Trade CAS pallet truck scale is equipped with functions such as zero, gross/net, total weight with tare function over total capacity. It also comes with a large LCD display and built in printer. NTEP Legal for Trade Capacity: 5000 x 2 lb. Model C. Cont'l US freight included.
  • CAS S-2000JR Price Computing Scale RS232 Serial Communication 60 lb. LCD
    CAS S2000JR-60L Dual Range Price Computing Scale, 30/60 lb x 0.01/0.02 lb NTEPCAS S2000 JR NTEP legal for trade 60 lb. price computing scale features AC and rechargeable battery power, serial port, and is ideal weighing choice for everything from fudge and chocolate shoppes selling candy by the pound to local farmers market produce stands selling vegetables and fruit by the price per pound. Cap: 60 lbs. Display: LCD. Free Shipping (cont'l US)
  • CAS SW-1 Bench Scale Legal for Trade NTEP Certified Approved
    CAS SW Digital Bench Scale NTEP 50 lbThe CAS SW-1 (50) scale has all the features you're looking for -- NTEP Approval -- reads in lbs, grams, kgs, ounces -- operates on AC power and D batteries and has large 50 pound capacity. Enjoy the flexibility of the NTEP Approved legal for trade CAS SW-1 bench scale today! Platform: 9.1" x 7.5" CAPACITY: 50 lbs (three other capacities available)
  • Detecto D60 Price Computing Scale 60 lb. NTEP LFT
    Detecto D60 Legal for Trade Market Scale 60 lb.Make selling your food and produce easy with the Detecto D60 NTEP certified trade scale. Designed for portable use with a built-in rechargeable battery pack, the D series is ideal for many retail applications. Pressing the PrePack key, after the unit price has been entered, retains that price for repetitive price-computing making the operator’s job even more simple.
  • 60x60 Heavy Duty Floor Scales 5x5 5000 lb.
    Digi Summit 4' x 4' Floor Scale System 5000 lb.Nice floor scale system for the cost concious buyer! An excellent 4x4 5K package designed to offer many great features by combining the rugged, low profile design of the DIGI Summit 3000 with the configurable, large 0.8" Light Emitting Diode (LED) display of the 120 Digital Weight Indicator. Ideal for warehouse and manufacturing applications. NTEP Approved. Price includes freight in cont'l US to business addresses only(Zoned Commercial) with a loading dock or fork-lift. All other charges are the buyers responsibility.(Liftgate, Residential, Construction, Military)
  • 30 x 30 Floor Scale Industrial Warehouse Weighing 5000 pound
    Inscale IN7620 3x3 NTEP Floor Scale 10,000 lb.You've been asking for a low cost NTEP legal for trade 3x3 platform scale and we have got it. Our Inscale 36" x 36" NTEP legal for trade system features a NTEP Legal for Trade Platform Scale factory calibrated to a NTEP Legal 115VAC Digital Indicator. There is 15' Cable between platform and indicator. This system includes a 1 year Mfg. limited warranty. BRAND NEW Freight Included to business locations with forklift or loading dock.(cont'l US)
  • 30 x 30 Floor Scale Industrial Warehouse Weighing 5000 pound
    Inscale IN7620 4x4 5K NTEP Floor Scale PackageBrand name imported 4x4 5K floor scale is ideal for various variety of applications. The structural steel design withstands years of industrial use. 5000 lb scale comes calibrated with Digital Indicator. Price includes ground freight in cont'l US to business addresses only (Zoned Commercial) with a loading dock or forklift. All other charges are the buyers responsibility. (Liftgate, Residential, Construction, Military)
  • Mettler Toledo BCA-223-150U-1146-110 Replaces PS90 Balltop Shipping Scale
    Mettler Toledo BC-150 Balltop Platter Scale 300 lb.Mettler Toledo BC-150 shipping scales with balltop platter replace the PS-90 and are ideal for many weighing applications where only gross weight readings are required. Item BCA-223-150U-1146-110 is great for stand-alone or computer-based; in manufacturing or retail; reading lb or kg. UPS Software Compatible. Ball Top Platform Dimensions: 16.5 x 20.5" Capacity: 300 x 0.1 lbs. NTEP Approved
  • Mettler Toledo BCA-223-150U-1106-110 Shipping Scale replaces PS90 Scales
    Mettler Toledo BC-150 Shipping Scale 300 lb.Mettler Toledo BC-150U replaces the popular Mettler Toledo PS90 scale and are ideal for many weighing applications where only gross weight readings are required. The BCA-223-150U-1106-110 is great at receiving or shipping dock; stand-alone or computer-based; in manufacturing or retail. UPS Software Compatible. Stainless Steel 16.5" x 20.5" Platform, Capacity is 300 x 0.1 lbs. NTEP Approved
  • Mettler Toledo BC-60 Digital Shipping Scale Replaces PS60
    Mettler Toledo BC60 UPS Shipping ScaleMettler Toledo BC-60 shipping scales are ideal for many weighing applications & system integration is important. Whether at the receiving or shipping dock, stand-alone or computer-based, you get accurate weighments at an economical price. UPS Worldship Software Compatible Scale. USB and RS232 ports. Stainless Steel Platter 12.3" x 13.9" NTEP Approved. Replaces popular PS-60. Capacity is 150 x 0.05 lbs.
  • Mettler Toledo PS6L Parcel Shipping Scale BC-6LU-1501-110
    Mettler Toledo BC6L Letter / Parcel Shipping ScaleMettler Toledo BC-6LU letter & parcel scale replaces the PS6L & is specifically designed to weigh both letters and packages. BCA-222-6LU-1501-110 has 150 pound capacity and lbs/oz readability, it is an ideal choice for today’s mailer & shipper. NTEP certified so it can be legally used in commercial applications. Stainless Steel Platform 11.8" x 13.8" Capacity: 0-10 lb. x 0.1 oz / 0-70 lb. x 0.2 oz. / 0-150 lb. x 0.5 oz
  • Heavy Duty Warehouse Scale Rice Lake Roughdeck 48x48
    Rice Lake Floor Scale Rough-N-Ready 4'x4' 5000 lb w/ 480Excellent Floor Scale System with the best warranty in the industry for sound peace of mind. The NTEP Legal for Trade Rice Lake Rough-n-Ready System 48"x48" 5000 lb. Floor Scale features quick connects and factory calibration which allow the platform scale & 480 digital weight indicator to operate immediately with minimal setup. Price includes freight (cont'l US) to business addresses only (Zoned Commercial) with loading dock or forklift.
  • RS-130 Retail Price Computing Scale -- calculates change
    Rice Lake RS130 Price Computing Scale lbs kg ozThe RS-130 is an NTEP certified Legal for Trade scale with customer display on rear of unit. This compact design makes it easy to transport and the rechargeable battery makes it completely portable. Features ability to switch between lbs kilograms and ounces. Plus it computes customer change for you. Capacity 30 x 0.01 lbs
  • Salter Brecknell 3900LP Bench Scale 100 lb.The Brecknell 3900LP a low cost general purpose, self-contained industrial scale for simple legal for trade weighing applications. 15.7" x 15.7" Capacity: 100 x .02 lbs.
  • Brecknell DCSB Pegasus 48x48 5K Floor Scale SBI-240
    Salter Brecknell DCSB w/ SBI-240 4x4 5000 LBFloor Scales like this are ideal for weighing pallets in a warehouse. The Salter Pegasus DCSB 4x4 5K floor scale with SBI-240 is built tough with a structural steel design to withstand years of heavy industrial use. NTEP. Price includes freight in cont'l US to business addresses only (Zoned Commercial) with a loading dock or forklift.
  • UWE Model APM-150 Versatile Bench Scale legal for trade 300 lbs.
    UWE APM-150 Bench Platform Scale NTEP 300 lb.Nice NTEP Approved Bench Scale. UWE APM-150 features Large LCD display which gives excellent readability in sunlight. The scale is light weight which is ideal for portability, weighing only approximately 15 lbs. Low profile easy to load and unload platform. Reads in kilograms or pounds. Platform 11"x13" and Capacity is 300 x 0.1 lbs. Available with optional column to mount digital readout. Ground Shipping included for continental United States customers.
  • 600 lb. NTEP Legal for Trade Bench Scale UFM-F300
    UWE UFM-F300 NTEP Legal for Trade Scale 600 lb.NTEP Approved UFM-F300 Bench Scale system. Features Large LCD display which gives excellent readability in sunlight. Heavy duty construction will withstand harsh industrial operation. Reads in kilograms or pounds -- Flexibility of operation. 110VAC/Rech Batt. Cap: 600 lbs. Ground Shipping included for cont'l US
  • WorldWEIGH C300 Bench Scale 50 lbIf you're in the market for a quality NTEP Class III bench scale then you've found a good one with the WorldWeigh C300. Combines the rugged, low profile 12x14 bench scale with the easy to read BWS Digital Weight Indicator. NTEP Approved. 50 x 0.01 lb

Below are a few of the more popular questions we receive about NTEP certified scales. If you have question(s), please contact our customer service department and we will work to get you the correct answer.

What is an NTEP certified scale?

Scales need to be sent to NCWM to be evaluated. If they are approved, they will receive a National Type Evaluation program CoC#, signifying ntep certification. Technically, it is always a good idea to have your local scale company install your scale so you can be certain of its accuracy. Typically, when a device is approved, that will include multiple weighing capacities and platform sizes as well.

What makes a scale certified?

The term "certified" can mean different things to different people. Our scales that are NTEP approved are also what some folks would refer to as NTEP certified as well... Technically, this is true. However, if you need a certified scale with optional rear display, we recommend that you clarify what exactly the state or governing body is requiring. Do they just want a scale that has a CoC#? Do they want a scale that has a CoC# and has been "put into service" & "certified" by a local scale company? This can apply to everything from a retail scale with tare and unit price to a fishing scale with optional remote display.


Should I Purchase an NTEP Certified Scale or just buy a non-approved scale?

It's almost always a good idea to purchase a NTEP approved scale, especially in a commercial environment where items are being purchased or sold based on weight.

NTEP Certificates of Conformance are issued by the National Conference on Weights and Measures. They evaluate and test the scale to make sure it is accurate and reliable. If you’re investing in a scale for your business or you're purchasing something that is being weighed on a scale, you want to make sure the scale that is being used is accurate and certified.

Most states require sellers to use a legal for trade scale. Even if your state doesn't require that, it's still a good idea to use one anyway. Trust us, we've seen some of the scales out there that are "non-ntep" and some of them are ok and some are terrible. Plus, if you are caught by the state inspector using a non-ntep scale, you could have that scale shut down. So be sure to use a scale with NTEP Certificate of Conformance (CoC) number. Every NTEP certified scale will have a CoC# on it somewhere, usually on the side.

With cannabis becoming a legal item for sale in more areas, it's important to determine what requirements exist for each state in regards to that market.

Finally, you should have your scale checked at least once a year. It's a good idea to contact your local or state weighing and measurement office to find out what you need to do before processing any sales by weight. This can vary between states. However, most local inspectors will use certified stainless steel calibration weights to inspect your scale and many will also seal it so that it can't be tampered with.

Coffee shops, hardware stores, produce markets, farmers markets, convenience stores, precious metals sellers and many more industries rely on these digital scales every day. Some choose to operate their equipment via standard 110 VAC power while others choose alkaline batteries or even a rechargeable battery.

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